Who We Are + What We Do

Over 100 parents and family members of current and past Greensview students come together to operate 20+ events and fundraisers each year in order to continually support and serve our community.

2025-2026 School Year



Spirit Wear

Current Open Positions

Interested in Volunteering?

Email us at greensviewelempto@gmail.com

Current PTO Leadership


JD Boyle + Mandy Dunn


Mike Palmisano

Sarah Barker

Co-Recording Secretary

Sara Coalt

Betsy McKitrick


Meggie Biss

After School Adventures

Xin Gao + Donna Wills

Dining Out Consumer Earnings

Regan Bohnert

Assemblies / Cultural Arts

Tia Moran

Display Case

Tonia Zissis

Election Day Bake Sale

Diane Weaver

Facebook / Social Media

Borami Kang

Field Day

Carl Nelson

JD Boyle

5th Grade Activities

Sarah Barker

Grounds Beautification

Jessica Branditz

Handy Parent's Club

Michael Carleton

Nand Dussault


Jessica Branditz

Colleen Hopkins

Multicultural Night

Kavitha Plowgian Kotha

Karen Danmiller

Ju Yeon

Diversity Equality & Inclusion

Kavitha Plowgian Kotha

Patricia Sieber

Bormai Kang

Amazon Pin Money

Angela Lanctot

Pancake Breakfast

Katie Meyers

PTO Website

JD Boyle

Lead Room Parent

Leah Pickering

Tracy Kabealo

Spirit Wear

Lindsay Lyden

Megan Stover

Staff Services and Appreciation

Kirsten Fell

Lauren Kinear

Molly Mandel

Student Directory

Hillary Dunlap

MANE Event Fundraiser

Jennifer Drew

Megan Amstutz

MANE Event Committee

coming soon

Walk For Greensview Fundraiser

Melissa Gorsline

Gina Gruebmeyer

Walking Club / Wellness

Jillian Silliman

Kaitlin Klammer

Winter Coat Drive

Michelle Hawley

Yearbook / Historian

Kelly Moseley

Fall Family Fun Night Chair

Ritu Krishnasetty

FFFN Committee

Chelsea Humphries

Lauren Lemoine

Nicole Reed

Sarah Zureich

Current Committee Descriptions

  • Chairperson (or co-chairs) is responsible for securing After School Adventure classes (i.e. art, games, sports), parent volunteers, and making sure Background Checks for instructors and volunteers are completed. Currently, we run Fall, Winter, and Spring Sessions. Chair works with office to schedule classrooms to use. Chair works with Website/Treasurers to make online registration live and collect/distribute payment to ASA instructors.

    Time Commitment: MEDIUM throughout the year, requires some presence during ASA class time (i.e. 3-5pm).

  • Coordinating available funds from the UA Education Foundation (UAEF) Fund and soliciting funds from families as needed to spend on ANY art related activity/experience for the students (i.e. guest musician or artist to work with the students during specials). Additionally, we frame 2 pieces of student artwork each year, chosen by blind vote during a spring PTO meeting and presented at the last Town Meeting. Time Commitment: LOW, mainly in the spring.

  • Dining Out: Chairperson may plan a restaurant/shopping fundraising event monthly where the PTO gets a portion of sales back (examples: Noodles & Co, Tropical Smoothie) Involves promoting the events through flyers, email and social media, and coordinating picking up donation. Time Commitment: LOW, spread throughout the year.

  • Chairperson meets with Principal in the Fall to determine what programs will be offered and possible dates. The Chairperson books the programs and submits invoices when needed for deposits. The Chairperson also forwards any set up information to Principal/Custodial staff for the day of the event. They also make sure that any payment is ready for the artist when he/she arrives at school. Time Commitment: LOW to MEDIUM depending on the programing selection, spread throughout the year.

  • Chairperson choses theme and content and sets up display case, changing each month. Many committees use it to display upcoming events. Chairperson can reach out to upcoming event chair people to see if they want the space and if not put seasonal items in it for display. Time Commitment: LOW, spread throughout the year.

  • The Bake Sale Chairperson secures donations of baked goods from families to be sold to voters at the Greensview Poll locations (no school in session) on Election Days. Donations of baked goods are collected through PTO email, half sheet home, and social media. Chairperson creates a sign-up genius for volunteers and oversees the bake sale throughout Election Day. Time Commitment: LOW, a few weeks leading up to the sale and Election Day

  • Chairperson posts updates on our PTO Facebook Page. Requests for Facebook updates are sent via the PTO website with all necessary information for post. Time Commitment: MEDIUM, especially leading up to special events. Updates can be done on your own schedule but are time sensitive in most cases so need to check emails frequently.

  • Chairperson arranges an evening of entertainment, food, games, and/or activities for students and their families. Chairperson (with help of subcommittees and/or co-chairs) organizes event and volunteers with sign-up genius. They secure and turn in all invoices to be paid. Time Commitment: HIGH during end of summer and early fall (event is usually on a Friday late afternoon in the first half of October), pre-planning begins late summer.

  • Chairperson (with help of subcommittees and/or co-chairs) arranges games, equipment, volunteers, etc. for Field Day, traditionally held on the last day of school. Time Commitment: MEDIUM starting in the spring and HIGH immediately preceding event and day of.

  • Chairperson (potentially with help of subcommittees and/or co-chairs) arranges entertainment, food, volunteers, shirts, etc. for 5th Grade party, traditionally held on the second to last day of school. They secure and turn in all invoices to be paid. Time Commitment: LOW in the fall, MEDIUM in the spring, HIGH on the day of the event.

  • Grounds Beautification Duties- Greensview Elementary PTO

    August- Put up the “Back to School Banner” in the front lawn before school starts. It’s located in the PTO closet. You need the banner, 3 stakes, 6-10 zip ties, clear tape if the corners rip, and a sledgehammer. It’s a 2+ person job.

    Please also weed the flowers and put mulch down by the Rock if it needs it.

    September- plant fall flowers (mums, cabbage, tall grass, or whatever you choose) in the planters at the kindergarten and main entrance. I try to do this the week before Fall Family Fun Night so it looks nice.

    End of November/Early December- remove all plants and put the pots in the Greensview storage with Donna Mattox’s help (she is the head janitor). Her email is: dmattox@uaschools.org. I cut back everything at the rock for the winter (you will use 1-2 lawn bags).

    May (after the last frost)- get the planter out of the storage and plant spring/summer flowers of your choice. You might need more dirt at this time.

    Summer- water the potted plants at the kindergarten entrance and main entrance if it doesn’t rain (typically 1 time per week if it’s hot). I try to keep them alive all summer for the safety town activities!

    Sometimes other duties include weeding around the school, painting the playground areas, etc.

    We have also added a Buddy Bench, and other items on the grounds in year’s past. It’s up to you what you’d like to do or not do!

    Watering- I bring a few watering cans or 5 gallon buckets to the school. To the right of the main entrance, there is a hose that can be turned on via a #10 crescent wrench.

  • Chairperson is responsible for spreading the word to parents about the candy and winter coat collections. The chair can decide collection day(s) and where to donate/send the collected candy and coats (some offer donations back to the PTO for candy donations). In the past, items were collected in boxes in front lobby at school. Potential to add an end of the year school supply collection. Time Commitment: LOW and isolated to a few hours around Halloween and winter collection day, generally following Thanksgiving break.

  • Chair is responsible for supplying refreshments and desired decorations for Breakfast at the Barn (August), Parent Info Night (August), Kindergarten Parent Info Night (August), State of the Schools (January) and New Kindergarten Info Night (February). Time Commitment: HIGH in August, LOW during the rest of the year.

  • Chair (with help of subcommittees and/or co-chairs) arranges an evening of adult-only entertainment including food, music, silent auction, etc. Chairperson selects location, coordinates online registration (with website chair and treasurers) and organizes volunteers with sign-up genius. They secure and turn in all invoices to be paid. Time Commitment: HIGH during month of event and planning period (event is usually on a weekend evening in late February)

  • Chairperson is responsible for securing Chris Cakes to come to school. They arrange set up with the Principal and secure any volunteers needed. Chair is responsible for making sure Chris Cakes is paid and tipped. There is the potential to include fruit or other breakfast options. Coordinate with Spirit Wear Chair to include spirit wear sales. Time Commitment: LOW except for day of the event.

  • Co-Presidents are in charge of overseeing each committee, creating and adhering to budget, running monthly PTO meetings, point of contact for external communications, filling in when needed for events, along with multiple additional responsibilities as they arise.

    TIIME COMMITMENT: Medium. Fall and Spring are busier seasons with multiple events occurring during both seasons.

    This is a two year commitment and presidents are voted in by committee members.

  • Chair is responsible for giving Lead Room Parents information about setting up class party volunteers through sign-up genius on PTO website. Chair holds a meeting in the fall and goes over guidelines and responsibilities and provides necessary information to encourage safety and inclusion for all students. Chair also can give the LRP a sample letter to send home about the optional class gifts. Chair also responsible for updating PTO Room Parent Handbook as needed. Time Commitment: MEDIUM to HIGH at the beginning of the year, LOW for the rest of the year.

  • Chair works with district provided data to create an online directory through a service called Membership Toolkit. Work for this committee would largely be done on a computer. Time Commitment: LOW to maintain directory.

  • Chairperson (with help of co-chair) is responsible for ordering various spirit wear items for students to be sold online and at school events. They are responsible for arranging parent volunteers to assist in selling at events (Back to School, FFFN, Parent Night, Pancake Breakfast, etc.). Chair is responsible for turning in receipts to pay vendors. Chair may use email, social media, etc. to advertise sales and items. Spirit Wear is considered a small fundraiser, however, we pride ourselves to have a small mark up and make sure we have something for everyone. Time Commitment: LOW to MEDIUM depending on inventory needs and selling opportunities.

  • Chairs are in charge of Staff Events (Walk for Greensview fall luncheon, winter luncheon Administrative Assistant’s Day, Teacher Appreciation Week). Chairs coordinate all Parent Donations through sign-up genius and set up events. Time Commitment: LOW

  • Chairs are responsible for organizing the fundraising event in the Fall. You make all arrangements (schedule, Greensview items for kids (example: pedometer, water bottle, glasses, bag), incentives, decorations, etc.). Chairs disperse the donation packets and information and are in charge of collecting, counting, and depositing with treasurer. Time Commitment: MEDIUM to HIGH at the beginning of the school year until completion of event tasks in late September.

  • Co-Chairs are in charge of overseeing the Walking Club Lunch Program. They secure the parent volunteers (and schedule the volunteer days-Mon, Weds, Fri through sign-up genius). If needed, Chair can order replacement charms/incentives and turn in the invoice to be paid to treasurer. Also works with our PE teachers to help coordinator wellness focused activities throughout the year.

    Time Commitment: LOW except when making the initial schedule.

  • Chair is responsible for compiling pictures from the year to design the school yearbook. A link can be sent to parents and teachers to submit photographs. The chairs work with the company (currently Lifetouch) to finalize the design. May decide to include Lion drawings and/or introduce a cover design competition. Time Commitment: LOW and then MEDIUM in early spring when yearbook is finalized.